Install on Windows

How to install Flameshot on Windows.

🔗 Installation on Windows

🔗 Manual installation

  • Hosted on Github. [64-bit 32-bit]

If you want to run Flameshot with the most cutting edge features, you can download a development version from here.

🔗 Using package managers

Windows has few package managers which you can use to easily install and update applications. Here we list those that have Flameshot in their repository:

🔗 Winget

A quick introduction to WinGet can be found on Microsoft Documentations

winget install flameshot

🔗 Scoop

Flameshot can be installed using Scoop extras bucket:

scoop bucket add extras
scoop update
scoop install flameshot

🔗 Chocolatey

Flameshot is also available on Chocolatey, and can be installed using:

choco install flameshot