From Source Code

Build Flameshot from source.

🔗 From Source

Alternatively, you can always compile from the source code.

🔗 OS Dependencies

The compilation requires Qt version 5.3 or higher and GCC 4.9.2 or higher.

🔗 Debian/Ubuntu

Compilation Dependencies:

apt install g++ cmake extra-cmake-modules build-essential qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qttools5-dev libqt5dbus5 libqt5network5 libqt5core5a libqt5widgets5 libqt5gui5 libqt5svg5-dev

🔗 Fedora

Compilation Dependencies:

dnf install gcc-c++ cmake qt5-qtbase-devel qt5-linguist qt5-qtsvg-devel

🔗 Arch

Compilation Dependencies:

pacman -S cmake base-devel git qt5-base qt5-tools hicolor-icon-theme qt5-svg


Compilation Dependencies:

brew install qt5
brew install cmake

🔗 DE/WM dependencies

🔗 Gnome


On Fedora:

dnf install kf5-kguiaddons-devel

On Arch:

pacman -S kguiaddons

🔗 Sway

On Arch:

pacman -S xdg-desktop-portal xdg-desktop-portal-wlr grim

🔗 Getting the Source Code

You can get the source code from our Github repository. Either clone the repository or download a ZIP file. We suggest downloading the ZIP file if you want to build on specific version, but if you want to build different commits and versions, using git makes it much easier. Please note that in this page we explain how to download the master branch, but you can get the source code for every Pull Request and compile them if you like to.

In general we suggest you to create a temporary directory to download the file and do the compiling there:

# create the folder
mkdir --parents ~/tmp/flameshot_source/

# go inside the new foldr
cd ~/tmp/flameshot_source/

To download the ZIP file from the master branch you can run:

curl --remote-name

Alternatively, to clone the Git repository:

git clone

🔗 Compilation

mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ../

NOTE #1: for macOS you should replace command

cmake ../

NOTE #2: you can speed up the compilation by using the -j argument for make and specify the number of cores you would like to use. You can read more about the make arguments by man make in terminal or clicking here. For example the following would use all CPU cores except 1:

make -j$(nproc --ignore 1)


cmake ../ -DQt5_DIR=$(brew --prefix qt5)/lib/cmake/Qt5

At this point, you can use Flameshot even without installing it as you have already compiled the code into a binary file. The file is stored in src/flameshot inside the build/ directory (which you are already there). So you can just run it directly by ./src/flameshot.

🔗 Install

But to install it, simply run make install with privileges.

🔗 Packaging

In order to generate the makefile installing in /usr instead of in /usr/local you can use the packaging option to generate the proper makefile (cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr instead of just cmake).

If you want to install in a custom directory you can define the BASEDIR variable.

Example: You want to install Flameshot in ~/myBuilds/test. You would execute the following to do so: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr BASEDIR=~/myBuilds/test && make install